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Published By Lankelma
Lankelma is the foremost contractor for onshore in-situ soil testing in the UK. An acknowledged
specialist in CPT, Lankelma also offers a worldwide consultancy and training service.
A.P. van den Berg develops, designs and manufactures geotechnical and environmental soil
investigation equipment for onshore and offshore applications. Specialists in CPT systems and equipment.
Gardline Geosciences offers worldwide marine geotechnics, in-house consutancy and services with marine
investigations ranging from nearshore to full ocean depth (down to 3000m).
About the Author
Hans Brouwer studied civil engineering at Delft University in The Netherlands. He has
worked as a part-time lecturer at Amsterdam Polytechnic and was senior partner in a structural
engineering consultancy. He has written a standard textbook in Dutch about the design of
building foundations. He now lives in England where he writes technical textbooks in
English, hopefully to reach a bigger readership.
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Chapter 5
Sampling probes
Delft multi-level groundwater sampling probe
| DELFT MULTI-LEVEL GROUNDWATER SAMPLING PROBE 5.5 General principle Most of the various groundwater samplers share the disadvantage that the level where the sample is taken must be pre-determined. Only after a sample has been taken and analysed will it be become apparent that the chosen sampling depth was correct and useful. To overcome this problem GeoDelft has developed the multi-level groundwater sampling probe (Figure 46). With this method, groundwater samples can be retrieved from multiple sampling depths during a single CPT operation. This sampling probe has been tested and validated thoroughly, taking into account all possible crosscontamination processes. |
| Figure 46 Main elements in the multi-level groundwater sampling probe (source: GeoDelft) Pressurised nitrogen gas The Delft groundwater sampler has an externally located filter element. During penetration of the probe into the soil, pressurised nitrogen gas is applied to the filter, thereby keeping it free of incoming water and soil particles. At 1 or 2 m above the desired sampling depth the nitrogen pressure is bled off as the probe proceeds slowly towards sampling depth. At the sampling depth groundwater will then enter the sampling chamber. Subsequently the water is drawn up to the surface by means of an inbuilt pump. Sampling As the pumping continues, the electric conductivity of the groundwater is monitored and recorded. When this reaches a stable value, and a volume of at least 1–2 litres has been pre-pumped, the actual sampling can take place. After sampling is completed, both electric conductivity and pH are measured as well as the groundwater temperature. Then the entire sampling device is rinsed with demineralised water followed by nitrogen gas. This cycle is repeated several times. Finally, the sampling loop is closed, the nitrogen pressure builds up and the gas will start to blow out of the filter element. The probe can now advance towards the next sampling depth. The combination of the prepumping with the rinsing procedure ensures the reliability of the sampling process and the prevention of cross-contamination between sampling levels. Anaerobic flow cells Alternatively, the groundwater can be fed through a set of anaerobic flow cells while being pumped up. Within these flow cells, several physical and chemical parameters can be measured without introducing oxygen from the open air into the sample. Samples can then be also used for biological (bacteriological) analysis. |
| In-situ testing Another alternative, for example in the case of pollution with volatile (chlorinated) hydrocarbons, is to analyse the groundwater samples on site by means of a portable gas chromatograph. Within several minutes the results of the analysis will become available. This enables accurate decisions to be made as to whether to proceed towards a next (greater) sampling depth or to abandon the current CPT operation and proceed towards another location or site. By using this on-site screening equipment, analytical detection limits on ppb levels can be reached so that site characterisation and mapping attains a high level of resolution. Correct materials Important for obtaining reliable results is the proper choice of the materials making up the multi-level groundwater sampling probe. For example, when sampling for volatile (chlorinated) hydrocarbons, tubing made of Teflon® material has to be fitted in combination with a stainless steel filter element. Lubricating cone In order to be able to reach greater depths, the multi-level groundwater sampling probe can be fitted with a lubricating module to reduce the friction. Using this probe, depths of up to 100 m have been reached and groundwater has been successfully sampled. Applications The multi-level groundwater sampling probe is a thoroughly validated, high-quality sampling device. Sampling depths to 100 m are possible when soil conditions are favourable. The probe is also appropriate for groundwater investigation below rivers, lakes, canals etc. In combination with on-site online screening techniques, direct site characterisation and mapping is possible resulting in operations which are exceptionally cost and time effective. | | |
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